Monday, April 21, 2025

Clickers, Idlers and Incremental Games (or Clinc Games)

So this blog is basically for me. I was frustrated with not only the confusion of CLICKER, IDLE and INCREMENTAL games and finding the ones I wanted, but the mere fact that I could not find other games I was interested as well. The genre that is out in the gaming world, has over the years become selightly askewed. So, for myself, and anyone else that might be interested. Here is a blog that has all the games I play, or found, with a simple TAG for easy reference.

My Phone games are completely different than the games I play on PC. I like ilde, games for phone play, this way there is still progress, yet I do not have to stay glued to it to play,. On occasion, I will find some diamonds in the rough so to speak, especially on browser games.



When you play as many games as I have, and even as long, you start trying to figure out genres of the different games. Even the term "ROGUE-LIKE" has lost it's meaning. Simply put, these days it just means randomly generated. While that is only ONE facet of a "rogue" game (and I am referring back to the 70's and 80's when they were popular), it is not the defining definition. And just as bad, RPG has lost its meaning as well. However, I do digress :-)

One thing I have noticed, that if you do a search of "idle" games on any search engine, it pukes up clicker games. Some might say "... so, and?..", All three of these genres are completely different and have different mechanics. Sadly, even game devs these days cannot figure out what to call their game, so they throw it in the "clicker" bucket. For obvious reasons. More Hits - errr, I mean more clicks :-)


Major sites, such as Steam really have no idle games[1]. For examples of pure types of an IDLE game you would look to games such as EZPZ RPG, or WORLD QUEST.. These are perfect examples of a IDLE game  Starts with no clicking and plays itself, no screen breaking clicking needed. Once the game starts, it is playing and doing all the grinding. Even loots. All the player does is upgrade the armor, check events, do some dailies,  and a few other things. but there is ZERO, NONE, NO CLICKING involved to progress this game. These games idle on their own. Even if you just install it and sign up, then get distracted - it is still playing.

The granddaddy the started the trend was, of course, COOKIE CLICKER.  The mobile stores are flooded of them, and browser versions have faded in favor of the mobile format. Some of the better clickers are like TAP TITANS(mobile) CLICKER HEROES 1 & 2 (mobile/steam/many others) to name a couple. These games CANNOT progress - when starting - without burning through our mouse button, or finger busting tapping on your mobile device. with CLICKING. Agreed that after awhile, the game goes idle, but not before some heavy duty grinding.

Now this is an odd genre that popped up a few years ago. It would seem the gaming community  could not decide WHAT to call it, so of course, in the CLICKER genre it went.  But it does have a decent following. And the two kinda mushed together. The only game I have ever come across - MASSIVE (enjoyable)time sink as well and very addicting - that fits the term INCREMENTAL is TRIMPS.TRIMPS is also an open source game. Which is good as it inspires more devs to create more of these.  INCREMENTAL games are a little tricky, they do not rely on clicking, but also do not start on their own.  These genres are what you would call your progression games.  While these games play like an idle game, they sort of remind me of GOD games, where you torder something, and that something helps creates something else. Put a few of those together, and the whole world functions on it's own. You intervene when you want them to grow.

This blog is dedicated to providing sources to games that fall into these categories. Many people like the idle games but not clickers, and even more people are starting to enjoy the Incremental gamses as well.